艺人:Paloma Faith
专辑:New York
The days were long and the night so cold
The pages turn and the tale unfolds
He left me for another lady

She stood so tall and she never slept
There was not one moment he could regret
He left me for another lady

He took my hand one day and told me
He was leaving
Me disbelieving
And I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Had to let him go

Her name was New York
New York and she
Took his heart away from mine
Her name was New York,
New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind

The wolves they howl
For my lost soul
I fell down
A deep black hole
He’d left me for another lady
She poured the drinks
And she poured the power
Diamond girl
Who could talk for hours
He’d left me for another lady

Now I am on my own
He told me
He was leaving
And I was pleading
And I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Had to let him go


The greatest times
I don’t want to hear it
Your new life tonight
I don’t want to hear it
The newfound friends
She introduced you to
I don’t want to know them
I just want to be with you
Please don’t make me go to
New York

New York
She took your heart away from mine
Her name was New York
New York
She poisoned your sweet mind
She poisoned your sweet mind


帕洛玛·菲丝(Paloma Faith,原名Paloma Faith Blomfield 帕洛玛·菲丝布洛姆菲尔德)是一位来自英国的演员和歌手。

生于伦敦的Paloma Faith有着一半的纯正英国血统与一半的西班牙血统。作为一名前魔术师的助手,受过当代舞蹈的训练,伦敦圣马丁学院戏剧硕士毕业生,杂技节目和舞蹈俱乐部的表演者,一名演员,Paloma通过她成年后的生活将不同的艺术形式融于自身。Paloma在几年前开始尝试唱歌,最先开始模仿自己欣赏的蓝调和灵魂音乐歌手,并最终找到属于自己的声音。

在2009年6月,Paloma为BBC的Radio 2 Introduces进行了现场演出,并且接受了BBC当家主持人Dermot O'Leary的访问。她的第一首单曲Stone Cold Sober便空降英国单曲榜第17位,并且在整个夏天中很多的音乐节上进行了表演。

Paloma目前是Epic Records旗下的歌手。Faith真正的第一首作品是与Josh Weller的'It's Christmas(And I Hate You)。在'Stone Cold Sober'的MV中,菲丝穿着了一件正方形金字塔状的金属衣服。

Paloma的音乐形式被灵魂音乐和爵士乐所影响,她的歌唱风格被人们称为即便是与Amy Winehouse和Duffy相比也毫不逊色。在一个提倡理性饮酒的英国电视广告的背景音乐中有着这样一句歌词'You wouldn't start a night like this so why end it like this',而这首歌正是来自Paloma的'I Just Wait'。


2015年1月,音乐人 帕洛玛·菲斯(Paloma Faith)获得最佳英国女歌手奖提名。